Mojka Renaud, L.N., A.P.
Licensed Nutritionist
Acupuncture Physician
Creator and Executive Director of Holistic Options, a complete Holistic Health Care Facility and Organic Spa in Lake Mary, FL..
Mojka Renaud was born in Slovenia, raised and educated in Austria. She attended the University of Graz in Austria where she pursued studies in foreign languages for translation and interpretation. She also studied Herbology. Her grandfather was an herbalist and inspired her since childhood to study about herbs and healing plants. Herbology and homeopathy was an integral part of her life, as Homeopathy (a healing natural medicine) originated in Germany with Dr. Hahnemann, a brilliant physician, who became the Father of German Biological Medicine. Mojka faced personal health challenges when she came to the US, which compelled her to seek answers in alternative medicine, thus the path for natural medicine was paved and she pursued numerous studies in natural medicine over many years, including having been trained by some of the top holistic physicians and homeopaths in Europe and in the US.
Mojka came to the United States in 1974, became a US Citizen in 1976.
She attended the following universities:
University of Graz, Austria 1972-1974
SUNY (State University of New York at Albany), B.A. degree in 1975; Donsbach University in Huntington Beach,
California (M.S./PH.D.) in 1986 (nutritional science).
FITCM (Florida Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine) in St. Petersburg Florida, A.P. (Acupuncture Physician) in
Certified by NCCA (National Certification) in 1994 as Dipl. of Acup.
She is licensed as an Acupuncture Physician and Clinical Nutritionist by the State of Florida.
Mojka created Holistic Options, a complete and unique alternative Health Care Center in Lake Mary, Florida, which is considered one of the largest, and most advanced holistic health centers with some of the most state-of-the-art health assessment devices and healing modalities, all based on Bioenergetic Medicine. It’s a beautiful, “all green” facility since 1999, it has a complete Holistic Spa and a Ballroom Facility, as Mojka is a passionate and competitive ballroom dancer. She also has two sons, raised entirely with holistic medicine.
Mojka has published a book entitled “The Missing Link in Health” and numerous articles on health related topics. She lectures on a regular basis to audiences all over the United States and in Europe. She is considered a pioneer in alternative medicine and is certified as one of the top physicians in Electrodermal Screening. She has been practicing holistic medicine and has been in private practice for 30 years. She specializes in German Biological Medicine, Nutrition, Homeopathy, Herbal medicine, Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and various other holistic healing modalities.